Monday, August 27, 2007

Ten-year Workforce Demand to 2014

Ten-year Workforce Demand to 2014

% increase 1,000s Annual Rate %
Network systems & data communications analysis 54.6 126 4.45
Computer software engineers, applications 48.4 222 4.03
Computer software engineers, systems software 43.0 146 3.64
Network & computer systems administrators 38.4 107 3.30
Database administrators 38.2 40 3.29
Computer systems analysts 31.4 153 2.77
Biomedical engineers 30.7 3 2.71
Environmental engineers 30.0 15 2.66
Personal financial advisors 25.9 41 2.33
Actuaries 23.2 4 2.11
Accountants & auditors 22.4 264 2.04
Financial analysts 17.3 34 1.61
Engineers, all 13.4 195 1.27
Engineering managers 13.0 25 1.23
Overall workforce increase 13.0
Architects & engineers 12.5 315 1.18
Electrical engineers 11.8 18 1.12
Computer hardware engineers 10.1 8 0.97
Electronic engineers, except computer 9.7 14 0.93
Source: Monthly Labor Review, November 2005

BioEngineering Schools in US

Arizona State University

Binghamton University

Boston University

Brown University

Bucknell University

California Institute of Technology

Carnegie Mellon University

Case Western Reserve University

Catholic University of America, The
Washington, D.C.

City College of New York, The
New York(NY)

Clemson University

Cleveland State University

College of New Jersey, The

Colorado State University
Fort Collins(CO)

Columbia University
New York(NY)

Cornell University

Dordt College
Sioux Center(IA)

Drexel University

Duke University

Florida International University

Florida State University

George Washington University, The
Washington, D.C.

Georgia Institute of Technology

Harvard University

Illinois Institute of Technology

Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

Johns Hopkins University

Lehigh University

LeTourneau University

Louisiana Tech University

Marquette University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mayo Graduate School

Mercer University

Michigan Technological University

Milwaukee School of Engineering

Mississippi State University
Mississippi State(MS)

New Jersey Institute of Technology

North Carolina State University

Northwestern University

OGI School of Science & Engineering

Ohio State University, The

Oregon State University

Pennsylvania State University
University Park(PA)

Purdue University
West Lafayette(IN)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rice University

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Terre Haute(IN)

Rutgers University
New Brunswick(NJ)

Saint Louis University
Saint Louis(MO)

South Dakota State University

Stanford University
Palo Alto(CA)

Stevens Institute of Technology

Stony Brook University
Stony Brook(NY)

Syracuse University

Texas A&M University
College Station(TX)

Tufts University

Tulane University
New Orleans(LA)

University of Akron, The

University of Alabama - Birmingham

University of Arizona

University of California - Berkeley

University of California - Davis

University of California - Irvine

University of California - Los Angeles
Los Angeles(CA)

University of California - San Diego
La Jolla(CA)

University of Cincinnati

University of Connecticut

University of Delaware

University of Florida

University of Illinois - Chicago

University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

University of Iowa
Iowa City(IA)

University of Kentucky

University of Maryland
College Park(MD)

University of Memphis

University of Miami
Coral Gables(FL)

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor(MI)

University of Minnesota - Twincities

University of Nevada, Reno

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill(NC)

University of Oklahoma

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh

University of Rhode Island

University of Rochester

University of Southern California
Los Angeles(CA)

University of Texas - Arlington

University of Texas - Austin

University of Texas - San Antonio
San Antonio(TX)

University of the Pacific

University of Toledo

University of Utah
Salt Lake City(UT)

University of Vermont

University of Virginia

University of Washington

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Vanderbilt University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Tech

Walla Walla College
College Place(WA)

Washington State University

Washington University in St. Louis
Saint Louis(MO)

Wayne State University

Western New England College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Wright State University

Yale University
New Haven(CT)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Internship positions in US

Albany Medical College, Albany, NY - co-op (2007) "Undergraduates Majoring in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences, Engineering and other "Quantitative" Sciences: Cross-Training in the Biomedical Sciences"

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX - co-op (2007) Summer Medical And Research Training (SMART) Program - research fields include Biomedical Engineering"
Boston University, College of Engineering, Boston, MA - co-op (2007) Research Experience for Undergraduates in Biomedical Engineering

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, - co-op (2007) Amgen Scholars Program - In summer 2007, resaerch experiences will be offered in the following fields:...bioengineering...
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, - co-op (2007) Dates for 2007 program are given - Minority Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Bioengineering is one department in participating Division of Engineering and Applied Science
California Nanosystems Institute, Los Angeles & Santa Barbara, CA- co-op (2007)
Case Western University, Cleveland, OH - co-op (2007) Summer Undergraduate Research Program for Minorities - Biomedical Engineering is one participating department
Case Western University, Cleveland, OH - co-op (2007) Biomedical Engineering is one participating department
Clarion Health Partners, Inc, Methodist Research Institute, Indianapolis, IN - co-op (2007)
Clemson University, Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Films, Clemson, SC - co-op (2007) "Appropriate backgrounds for the REU program include bioengineering, ..."
Clemson University, Department of Bioengeering, Clemson, SC - co-op (2007) Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institute
Cleveland Clinic, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland, OH - co-op (2007) positions are five-six months in length
Columbia University, Biological Sciences, New York, NY - co-op (2007) Amgen Scholars Summer Research Program - some research mentors are in Department of Biomedical Engineering
Cornell University, Nanobiotechnology Center, Ithaca, NY - co-op (2007)

Dartmouth College, Dartmouth Molecular Materials Group, Hanover, NH - co-op (2007)
Drexel University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2007) includes projects in Biomaterials and Biotechnology
Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering, Durham, NC - co-op application (2007) project descriptions

Georgia Tech, Materials Science & Engineering, Atlanta, GA - co-op, application (2007)
Georgia Tech/Emory Center for the Engineering of Living Tissues, Atlanta, GA - co-op (2007)

Harvard University, Center for Nanoscale Systems, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2008) application is for 2008 - "We are seeking undergraduates from chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and geophysics"
Harvard University, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2006 information) (2007) Application is for 2007 - Biomedical Optics
Hospital for Joint Diseases, Musculosketal Research Center, New York, NY - co-op (2007)
Human Engineering Research Laboratories, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2007)
Huntington Medical Research Institute, Pasadena, CA - co-op (2007) NO STIPEND OR HOUSING ASSISTANCE is provided for the participation in the program. (Exceptions can be made on an individual basis and verification of financial need will be required)

Illinois Institute of Technology, Engineering Center for Diabetes Research and Education, Chicago, IL - co-op (2007) more details
Iowa State University, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Ames, IA - co-op (2008) "Check back with us in January 2008 for the new application" - Biological Materials and Processes
Iowa State University, Human and Computer Vision Laboratory, Ames, IA - co-op (2007) Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research and Education Emerging Interface Technologies for "Students working towards an undergraduate degree in any of the HCI disciplines."

Johns Hopkins Univeristy, Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2007) scroll down to Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Johns Hopkins University, Institute for NanoBiotechnology, Baltimore, MD - co-op (2007)

Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont, CA - co-op (2007)
Kent State University, Department of Chemistry, Kent. OH - co-op (2007) several projects focus on biomaterials
Kresge Hearing Research Institute, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI - co-op (2008) - for RIT, Gallaudet University, and California State-Northridge deaf and hard-of-hearing students only - Some projects in Physiology-Related Fields may be of interest to biomedical engineers

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Chemistry, Materials and Life Sciences Directorate, Livermore, CA - co-op (2007)
Louisiana Tech University, Biomedical Engineering Program, Ruston, LA - co-op (2007) application is for 2007

Marquette University, College of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2007) Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates In Biomedical Engineering: Imaging, Modeling and Rehabilitation of Neurosystems
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2007) Amgen-UROP Scholars Program - Faculty mentors include Bioengineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Biological Engineering & Biotechnology Process Engineering Center, Cambridge, MA - co-op, application (2007)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2008) "Please contact us if you are interested in the Summer 2008 program."
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA - co-op (2006 information) (2007) Application is for 2007 - Biomedical Optics
Mayo Clinic and Graduate School, Rochester, MN - co-op (2007) Biomedical Engineering is one participating department
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN - co-op, application process (2007) Summer Associate Program - select Biomedical Engineering Summer Associate listed under Position Descriptions in right hand column
Milwaukee School of Engineering, Rapid Prototyping Center, Milwaukee, WI - co-op (2007)

National Institutes of Health (NIH), Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, Bethesda, MD - co-op (2007) Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship Program
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (13 university locations) - co-op (2007) Application is for 2007
New Jersey Science & Technology University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Newark, NJ - co-op (2007)
Northwestern University, Biomedical Engineering Department & Department of Mechanical Engineering, Evanston, IL AND Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Sensory Motor Performance Program, Chicago, IL - co-op (2007) Summer Internships in Neural Engineering
Northwestern University, Institute for Nanotechnology, Evanston, IL - co-op (2007) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) application includes biomaterials
Northwestern University, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, Evanston, IL - co-op, application on the right (2007) Research Experience for Undergraduates

Oakland University, Rochester, MI - co-op (2007) Summer Institute in Bioengineering and Health Informatics

Pennsylvania State University
, University Park, PA - co-op, application (2007) Biomaterials and Bionanotechnology Summer Institute
Pennsylvania State University, Departments of Bioengineering and Chemistry, University Park, PA AND Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA - co-op (2007) Biomaterials and Bionanotechnology Summer Institute
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Chemical Engineering, University Park, PA - co-op (2007) NSF REU Program in Biomolecular Engineering
Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2007)
Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative, San Antonio, TX - co-op (2008) "Please check back next year as the program will be offered again in 2008"
Princeton University, Princeton Institute for Science and Technology of Materials, Princeton, NJ - co-op (2008) "Applications will open for summer 2008 in September 2007 " - "We encourage applications for all science and engineering disciplines" - Potential projects include some related to life science
Purdue University, College of Engineering, West Lafayette, IN - co-op (2007) Research areas include Bio-Transport and Micro Vascular System, Biomedical Acoustics and Signal Processing, Biomedical Electromagnetic, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Optics, Tissue Engineering

Rice University, Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Houston, TX - co-op (2008) Application is for 2008 - Bionanotechnology - scroll down to the last paragrph, "The summer internship program for undergraduates majoring in engineering..."
Rice University, Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Houston, TX - co-op (2008) Application is for 2008 - Internship in Cellular Engineering
Rice University, Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Houston, TX - co-op (2007) Summer Undergraduate Research Training Program in Synthetic Biology

Rutgers - State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ - co-op (2007) IGERT Summer Undergraduate Research Frontiers
Rutgers - State University of New Jersey, Graduate School-New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ - co-op (2008) "RISE is no longer accepting applications for Summer 2007. Please apply again next year." - Research in Science and Engineering (RISE)

State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY - co-op (2007) Summer Research Institute in Biomedical Materials Science and Engineering

Texas A&M University, Michael E. DeBakey Institute, College Station, TX - co-op (2007) Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Mechanobiology of the Bat Wing Microvasculature - more details here
Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson College of Graduate Studies, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2007) includes research opportunities in Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine

University of Alabama at Birmingham
, Department of Physics, Birmingham, AL - co-op (2007) Past projects include Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Biodegradable Polymer Resins and Composites for Tissue Engineering (Faculty Mentor – Dr. Dong Xie)
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA - co-op (2007) "offers summer undergraduate research in the departments of: Bioengineering, ..."
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA - co-op (2007) Amgen Scholars Program - "including...bioengineering..."
University of California, Irvine, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Irvine, CA - co-op (2007) Integrated Micro/Nano Summer Undergraduate Research Experience - "fields of biomedical, physical, and engineering micro/nano-sciences"
University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA - co-op (2007) REU program in Bioanalytical Science
University of California at Riverside, College of Engineering, Riverside, CA - co-op (2007) several Participating Faculty are in the Department of Bioengineering
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH - co-op (2007) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Site Program in Membrane Applied Science and Technology
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO - co-op (2007) Environmental Fluids: Science, Assessment and Treatment - "Students majoring in Biological Engineering; and Environmental Science"
University of Colorado, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Boulder, CO - co-op (2007) Functional Materials Science and Engineering
University of Connecticut Health Center, Center for Biomedical Imaging Technology, Farmington, CT - co-op (2007) Summer 2007 Undergraduate Research Internships in Computational Biology
University of Connecticut Health Center, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling, Farmington, CT - co-op (2008) scroll down to Summer 2008 Undergraduate Research Internships in Quantitative Cell Biology
University of Illinois at Chicago, Departments of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Mechanical Engineering, Chicago, IL - co-op (2007) Novel Materials and Processing in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
University of Kansas, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Lawrence, KS - co-op (2007) several projects focus on topics related to biomedical engineering
University of Kentucky, Center of Membrane Sciences, Lexington, KY - co-op (2007)
University of Kentucky, Graduate School, Lexington, KY - co-op (2007) "Coming soon -- 2007 information and application form!" - Biomedical Engineering is one area of research opportunity
University of Maryland, Fischell Department of Bioengineering , College Park, MD - co-op (2007) Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program
University of Minnesota, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN - co-op (2007)
University of Minnesota, Supercomputing Institute, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN - co-op (2008) "Please check back in Fall 2007 for information about our Summer 2008 Undergraduate Internship Program"
University of Notre Dame, Center for Nano Science and Technology , South Bend, IN - co-op (2007)
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2007)
University of Pennsylvania, Nano/Bio Interface Center, Philadelphia, PA - co-op (2007)
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Bioengineering, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2007)
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2007) An NSF Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institute program
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Musculoskeletal Research Center Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Pittsburgh, PA - co-op (2007)
University of Rochester, Center for Visual Science, Rochester, NY - co-op (2007)
University of Texas at Austin, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Austin, TX - co-op (2007) Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Cellular and Molecular Imaging for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
University of Washington, Engineered Biomaterials, Seattle, WA - co-op (2007) "interdisciplinary research environment at the biology and engineering interface"
University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Engineering, Madison, WI - co-op (2007) "Students may request projects in the following College of Engineering departments/programs - Biomedical Engineering
US Food & Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Rockville, MD - co-op, application (2008) "Summer 2008 - submit applications between Oct. 1, 2007 and Feb. 1, 2008 " - Medical Device Fellowship Program

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN - co-op (2007) - Bioengineering Education Technologies
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN - co-op (2007) Minority Summer Research Program - "Research internships may be arranged in the following areas: .....Biomedical Engineering"
Virginia Commonwealth University, Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, Richmond, VA - co-op (2007) Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Blacksburg, VA - co-op (2007)
Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), Macromolecular Interfaces with Life Sciences, Blacksburg, VA - co-op (2007)

Wayne State University, Smart Systems and Integrated Microsystems, Detroit, MI - co-op (2007) includes projects in Biomedical Microsystems
West Virginia University, WVNano Initiative, Morgantown, VA - co-op (2007) "Who Should Apply? - Undergraduates who have finished their Freshman, Sophomore or Junior years with interests in ...biology, engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA - co-op (2007) Integrated Bioengineering Research, Education, and Outreach Opportunities for Females and Underrepresented Minorities

Thursday, August 9, 2007

International PhD Programs

Austria: MD/PhD Programme in Molecular Medicine For health professionals who have graduated from Medical School and have a basic knowledge of German. Admission of 10 students, course duration: 3 years. Application dealine May 31.

Austria: International PhD Programme in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology The consortium of the "Bioinformatics Integration Network" (a network in the context of the Austrian genome research programme is organizing an international PhD programme. The PhD courses will be common throughout the network and the candidates will be supervised by two PIs (supervisor and co-supervisor). We intend to include additional members from other EU countries in the doctorate committee in order to meet the requirements for the "European Doctorate". An "Outstanding Scholar" program will be established to identify new bioinformaticians who have demonstrated research excellence. The program aims to rotate the students for three months in one of the participating labs or in the labs of our international collaborators in order to get exposure to other bioinformatics techniques.

Austria: MD/PhD Programme in Molecular Medicine Vienna Biocenter Through this program, PhD students are selected among highly qualified applicants from all over the world and are given the opportunity for training and work in different areas at the forefront of modern biology. Emphasis is placed on academic and technical excellence. The PhD salaries are at an internationally competitive level and are granted for up to 4 years. The PhD degree is obtained from the University of Vienna. Scientists and PhD students from over 30 different nations are working together at the Vienna Biocenter, and hence English is the language used for communication and writing of the PhD thesis. Deadline for receipt of completed application is June.

Austria: MD/PhD Programme in Molecular Drug Target at University of Vienna At the University of Vienna 10 positions for young scientists eager to achieve a Dr.rer.nat. are available within the graduate program Molecular Drug Targets.The program is hosted by the following departments:* Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology* Department of Pharmacognosy* Department of Medicinal Chemistry* Department of Theoretical Chemistry* Max F.Perutz Laboratories* Department of GeneticsThe candidate should hold a diploma or a master's-degree in natural sciences (Oct.1st 2007).The position will run up to 36 month starting with October 1st. A short stay in a laboratory outside of Austria will be part of the program. The basic annual salary is approx. 14.000,00 Euros, health insurance is included, and tuition fees are waived. Additional funding is possible.Appication deadline is May 31.

Austria: International PhD Programme "Cell Communicaation in Health and disease" CCHD, vienna This is a PhD Program in Biomolecular Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, providing cutting-edge education in the fields of Neurobiology, Vascular Biology, Immunology, and Inflammation Research. Admitted students will receive funding for at least three years. Applicaton must be submitted by email until April.

Austria: Medical University of Graz, PhD Program Molecular Medicine The Medical University of Graz launches a PhD-Program in Molecular Medicine. The program offers cutting-edge education with respect to the molecular basis of human diseases and therapeutics. The thesis projects will focus on various aspects of metabolic diseases, inflammation, and cancer and integrate basic, applied, and clinical sciences, as well as a wide spectrum of experimental techniques.Admitted PhD-students will receive funding for three years. Applicants must hold a master degree in Medicine, Chemistry or Life Sciences.Application deadline November 15, 2006.

Belgium: Joint Research Centre (JRC) - European Commission As well as using our own human and material resources to undertake wide-ranging scientific and technical research in support of EU policymaking, the JRC offers many opportunities for individuals and external organisations to profit from participation in leading-edge projects. These possibilities range from collaboration with the JRC through a variety of networks to direct work opportunities and training and use of JRC facilities

Denmark: Aarhus University PhD stipends The University of Aarhus invites highly qualified students from all over the world to apply for four-year PhD scholarships and three-year PhD fellowships at the University of Aarhus. Two rounds of applications are held regularly each year. Deadlines for application are: 15 May and 15 November by 12.00 noon Danish time.

Denmark: International School of Biodiversity Sciences ISOBIS ISOBIS is a conglomerate of Danish research groups within the field of biodiversity sciences that can offer a research education at the highest level.ISOBIS will develop and coordinate a relevant course program for Ph.D. students within the field of biodiversity sciences. The courses are planned and taught by staff members at the participating institutions.ISOBIS seeks to create a vibrant and interactive environment for the Ph.D. students enrolled in the school.ISOBIS will actively contribute to raise funds for Ph.D. grants and organisation of international Ph.D. courses. PhD positions under

France: The Station Biologique de Roscoff, ESTeam Marie Curie Deadline : May Interviews : June Starting in September ESTeam is a training programme for pre-doctoral fellows funded by the European Commission under the 6th framework programme. It provides early stage researchers with an advanced, interdisciplinary training in marine biology, with an emphasis on genomics, genetics and structural biology.Located in Britanny (France), the Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR) is a leading marine biology laboratory, with a focus on the genomics approaches on marine models and ecosystems. Under ESTeam, the SBR proposes, over a 4-year period, to host 9 early stage researchers for completing a PhD thesis, starting in 2006, within its research teams (see Proposals) and to incorporate 4 researchers for 1 year stay in its technological platforms, starting in 2007 and 2008.

France: Association Bernhard Gregory Jobs and careers portal for new PhDs in France. Founded in 1980, the Association Bernard Gregory promotes the value of training through research to the non-academic world and helps the entry of young PhDs from any discipline into business.

France: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) IARC is part of the WHO. IARC's mission is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer control. The new Ph.D. training programme is now calling for applications from junior scientists from low- or medium-resource countries who are committed to pursuing a career in cancer research and have a Master’s degree in an appropriate subject (medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics, genetics, laboratory research) and wish to study for a Ph.D. degree in the field of epidemiology or biostatistics in a research Group at IARC in Lyon. The thesis will be required to be submitted in English.EADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS: 1 September 2006

France: Marie Curie Research Institute The MCRI operates a PhD programme that is small but highly selective, and offers high-quality graduates the opportunity to train for a 4 year PhD in one of our research groups. The current stipend is £14,547k pa. The Institute provides optional on-site accommodation for the first year and pays all university fees.Formal applications should be made by downloading the PhD programme application form and returning the completed application by e-mail to the PhD Programme Coordinator.Students from the EU are registered with the University of London through the Institute of Cancer Research or an equivalent university in the case of non-EU students.

France: Cemagref, PhD and postdoc positions Cemagref is a scientific and technological public research institute under the dual aegis of the French Research and Agriculture ministries. It employs 1,000 people, including 480 engineers and researchers based in 9 sites across France (Antony, Nogent-sur-Vernisson, Rennes, Lyon, Grenoble, Clermont-Ferrand, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Aix-en-Provence). Dedicated to engineering for sustainable development,

Germany: Germany International Max Planck Research School, Chemical Biology, Dortmund International Max Planck Research School for Chemical Biology offers an international postgraduate program in Chemical Biology leading to a PhD/Dr.rer.nat. degree. Up to 10 PhD positions are available for two year appointments with possible extensions for one additional year.The Research School is located at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund and its two partner universities, the University of Dortmund and the Ruhr-University Bochum. The different institutions have a longstanding expertise in the various research areas covered by the field of Chemical Biology with excellent research facilities in the participating institutions and access to expert centres in NMR technology and Medicinal Proteomics.The teaching program held in English accompanies the experimental work for the Ph.D. thesis, which is carried out in one of the departments participating in the program. Further details about the course program are available in the section curriculum. Nevertheless, timelines in meeting the program requirements will allow completion of this program in three years.Applicants should have or expect to obtain a first class degree or diploma (Bachelors, Masters or equivalent) in Chemistry, Biology or related fields. Further details on website.Deadline for applications is 31 January 2007.

Germany: University of Heidelberg With its venerable reputation as the oldest university in Germany and one of the oldest in Europe, the renown it enjoys worldwide for the many research fields in which it excels and its commitment to the education and training of upcoming generations of scholars and scientists, the University of Heidelberg extends an invitation to young people from all over the world to place their studies or scholarly activities in the service of the "living spirit" and to measure their achievements against the highest standards of academic excellence. Exchange programs. PhD programmes

Germany: International Graduate School in Genetics and Functional Genomics The University of Cologne has a long-standing tradition and world-wide reputation as a hot spot of top-level molecular biological research. The International Graduate School offers excellent research opportunities in the fields of molecular genetics, cell and developmental biology, molecular plant sciences and neurobiology.Applications are accepted in December and March.

Germany: Max-Planck-Institut for Immunbiology The Max Planck Institut of Immunobiology is a world renowed Institution with leading scientists in Immunology, Developmental Biology and Genetics. The scientific identity of the institute is based on making the connection between immunobiology and developmental biology, with the overall goal of achieving a better understanding of how multicellular systems and organisms arise.

Germany: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena It is an international doctoral program that is jointly organized by the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, and the Hans Knöll Institute . This International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) gives doctoral students the possibility to prepare for their PhD exam in a 3-year structured program providing excellent research conditions. The doctoral degree will be granted by the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. Other arrangements are also possible. The courses of the IMPRS are held in English.

Germany: Justus Liebig University Giessen Molecular Biology and Medicine of the Lung-PhD program Over the period of 3 years these students engage in cutting edge research projects investigating the physiology and pathophysiology of the lung in the interface of basic sciences and clinical medicine. Particular emphasis of the entailed projects is put on the discovery of molecular mechanisms underlying diseases of the respiratory system potentially applicable to the development of new therapeutic strategies. The Program understands itself as a modern scientific career center preparing its successful graduates for competitive careers in biomedical research in academia, industry, or related businesses. The educational foundation of this program offers a broad scheme of theoretical knowledge and transferable methodical skills. At a very early stage of their scientific career the students become independent in planning and conducting their research work. They are confident to present their findings in spoken and written reports (talks, publications, grant applications). The philosophy of the Program highly values interdisciplinary cooperations within the scientific community; it introduces research management strategies and transports teamwork skills in academic medicine. PhD student fellowships

Germany: Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine International PhD ProgramThe international PhD program "Molecular Cell Biology" is a joint activity of the Max-Delbrück Center (MDC) for Molecular Medicine and the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin. The program provides training and research opportunities for University Graduates who wish to obtain a PhD in the fields of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Cardiovascular Research, Developmental Biology and Neurobiology. Training and research within the PhD program is interdisciplinary with strong links between basic research and medicine.AdmissionEligible are students that have obtained, or that will obtain within half a year, an academic degree comparable to the Masters degree or to the German Diploma. Admission to the MDC-HU PhD program is competitive and decided by the Graduate Committee.Application FormsApplication forms can be downloaded here. Applications should be returned electronically (RTF & PDF files). The application deadline is March 2, 2007. Financial SupportPhD fellowships will be provided by the MDC or HU.PhD Thesis and DegreeStudents write a research proposal in the first year and give annual presentations of their progress in the following years. Students are advised by their Research Group Leader and two advisors of their PhD Committee. They obtain their PhD degree after approval through the Humboldt University (Dr. rer. nat.) or through their National University.

Germany: Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) Hannover Medical School offers in cooperation with the University of Hannover, the Hannover School Veterinary Medicine, Max-Planck-Institute for Experimental Endocrinology, and the National Research Institute for Biotechnology (GBF), Braunschweig, an international English MD/PhD program in Molecular Medicine.The program is funded within an international PhD-project (IPP) by the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DAAD/DFG). The program was accreditated as the first German PhD program according to European standards (ECTS) in December 2003. PhD positions. Applications: Students of medicine after their graduation, students of biology, biochemistry, microbiology or other life sciences with a diploma or a master of science can apply, if they are younger than 32 years. The proof of very good English language knowledge can be shown by tests (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS) or studies in an English speaking country. In case that such proofs are missing the English language knowledge will be judged in a personal interview. Application material can be found in the internet and also can be mailed upon reqest. Applicants must send their material until April 1st of the respective year. The curriculum starts in the middle of October each year.

Germany: Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding IMPRS Molecular Plant Development Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research International PhD Programme

Germany: German Cancer Research Center The Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) houses a biomedical PhD Program with 36 fellowships granted annually. This PhD Program provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for University Graduates who wish to work towards a PhD in the field of Biology and Cancer Research. Most DKFZ PhD students graduated in Biology, Physics, Computer science, Pharmacy, Chemistry or Medicine. Many DKFZ students come from abroad, particularly from other European countries, but also from Asia, South America, and Africa. Deadlines for Application: January 15, June 1st, September 15. Start of thesis work: About 4 months after the respective application deadline.

Germany: International PhD Programme Dresden The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering (IMPRS-MCBB) is a joint PhD Programme of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) and the Dresden University of Technology (TUD). The IMPRS-MCBB co-operates with the Graduiertenkolleg "Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering" (GK 864), which is sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The IMPRS-MCBB and the GK 864 together form the International PhD Programme for Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering Dresden. The International PhD Programme provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for University Graduates who wish to work towards a PhD in the fields of Molecular Cell Biology, Bioengineering, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Biophysics, Neurobiology and Bioinformatics. PhD students have a primary affiliation with one of the research groups of the MPI-CBG or one of the participating research groups of the TUD. The language of the PhD Programme is English. Applications in spring and fall each year.

Germany: International Graduate Program Medical Neursciences Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin offers an interdisciplinary, international graduate program, which leads to the degrees of M.Sc., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in Medical Neurosciences. The program addresses both students of medicine and of life sciences (biology, biophysics, chemistry, psychology, etc.). Students are both German and international, the working language is English.

Germany: Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and Friedrich Miescher Institute Subject areasCell Biology, Developmental Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Plant DevelopmentDurationThe typical duration of a PhD thesis at the MPI for Developmental Biology or the FML is 3 - 4 years. The PhD degree is conferred by the University of Tübingen. Application deadline 15 July.

Germany:International PhD Programme in Molecular Medicine Uni Ulm Teaching comprises lectures, seminars, journal clubs, practical courses and extra-curricular activities. Lectures will be given by internal and external speakers covering new developments of research in the field. Seminars, too, will cover various topical issues, as well as fund raising, writing of scientific papers and grant applications, and will partly be held by speakers of biotech companies. Students will have to attend at least one international meeting and publish at least one original paper. The Faculty of Medicine of Ulm University with the International PhD Programme in Molecular Medicine invites applications from highly motivated and qualified students of any nationality for PhD studentships. The deadline for application is May 31.

Germany: International Graduate School Bioinformtics and Genome Research Center of Biotechnology Bielefeld High throughput experimental techniques in genome research - such as DNA sequencing, expression arrays, proteomics - present manifold challenges for algorithmic data analysis and data management. Scientific progress and industrial exploitation of experimental data are dependent on the availability and quality of appropriate bioinformatics techniques. The International NRW Graduate School in Bioinformatics and Genome Research Bielefeld therefore combines the fields of experimental genome research and bioinformatics in a joint educational program. ur Application Deadlines: 31. May and 30. November

Germany: Ph.D. Programme "Forestry in Transition" Uni Freiburg IPP “Forestry in Transition” The Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences offers since summer semester 2003 the international Ph.D. programme “Forestry in Transition”. The objective of the programme is to offer highly qualified international and national young scientists a well structured and organized Ph.D. training. Doctoral students are supported by means of: intensive academic guidance (two supervisors, guest scientists, discussion-platforms, milestone-colloquia, reports) seminars and workshops to provide research and transferable skills (research design; presentation techniques, scientific writing, publishing, communication skills, time management, didactics, language courses) Social and cultural programme

Germany: The Frankfurt International Graduate School for Science The Frankfurt International Graduate School for Science (FIGSS) has been established at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in the year 2004 as an institution for the training of Ph. D. students in the theoretical branches of natural sciences, in particular in biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and physics. It is closely associated with the newly founded Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS). While FIAS is dedicated to interdisciplinary research in the natural sciences by accomplished investigators, the Graduate School will make their combined expertise and creative potential available for the education of exceptionally gifted and dedicated students. The program at the Graduate School is characterized by its international orientation: The aim is to attract highly qualified students irrespective of their nationality and origin. Consequently, all the lectures and seminars at the Graduate School will be held in English.Students of the Graduate School will receive an interdisciplinary training in the natural sciences, with an emphasis on the mechanisms of self organization and structure formation in complex systems. In this way the graduates will be in a position to conduct research in the overlapping border regions of neighbouring disciplines, areas in which a particularly fruitful and dynamic development can be expected in the coming years.Frankfurt International Graduate School for ScienceJohann Wolfgang Goethe UniversityMax-von-Laue-Str. 160438 Frankfurt am MainGermany

Germany: TU Braunschweig, PhD program: Molecular complexes of biomedical relevance Das Land Niedersachsen ( fördert mit Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg Stipendien und einer Finanzierung für Verbrauchsmittel und Reisekosten besonders befähigte und ausgewählte Nachwuchsforscher in mehreren Fachbereichen. Im Rahmen dieser Förderung startet im Oktober diesen Jahres (2006) das Internationale Graduiertenkolleg "Molekülkomplexe von biomedizinischer Relevanz": Insgesamt neun Stipendiaten werden innerhalb von drei Jahren ihre Doktorarbeiten an der TU-Braunschweig ( und der Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung (GBF) in Braunschweig ( anfertigen.Deadline 30 May.

Germany: Uni Wuerzburg, Graduate School of Life Sciences The GSLS sets general standards and assures the quality of research training for the currently over 100 and eventually up to 300 PhD students under its auspices. The GSLS concept has been selected by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments in 10/2006 for financial support including fellowships for PhD-students.Currently the GSLS offers programs in the following “Classes”:BiomedicineInfection and ImmunityIntegrative BiologyNeuroscienceMD/PhD (for MDs only)Deadline for application: November 30, 2006

Germany: University of Freiburg, PhD positions Neuronal Signaltransduction The central challenge of modern brain research is to understand the mechanisms and development of the brain and its unique functions: the organization of consciousness, learning, and memory. The enormous complexity of the organ makes it necessary to use an interdisciplinary approach, to investigate the mechanisms of signal transmission and processing on different levels: on the level of single molecules and molecular complexes, on the level of single cells and cell-to-cell connections, and finally on the level of in vivo and in vitro networks. 15 Scientists from the University of Freiburg, using an extensive repertoire of methods to perform research on the mechanisms of neuronal signal transmission, have joined their efforts to create this Graduiertenkolleg. Interested students should send in their application including - a full cv -relevant certificates of their university -information regarding the degree reached -a brief summary of their thesis and previous studies -names of two references

Germany: International PhD Programme Freiburg The International Max Planck Research School for Immunobiology and Development (IMPRS-IBD) is a joint international PhD Program of the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology (MPI-IB) and the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.The program provides outstanding students state-of the-art, research oriented interdisciplinary training in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Immunobiology and Molecular Biology at highest levels. The curriculum is tailored for a highly qualified yet diverse and international student body and offers an innovative format in which students progress rapidly from intensive course instruction to doctoral research.The language of the PhD Program is English.Application deadline 30 June to start in October.

Germany: The Center for Systems Neuroscience (ZSN), Hannover, Germany The Center for Systems Neuroscience (ZSN), Hannover, Germany, an interdisciplinary research center combining working groups of the University of Veterinary Medicine, the Medical School, the University of Music and Theater and the University of Hannover, cordially invites 10 graduates of various life sciences to pursue a research project leading to a PhD, Dr. rer. nat., Dr. med. or Dr. med. vet. (Start: October 1st, 2006).Applicants should hold a Master's or Diploma degree or equivalent in the life sciences. The positions are open to all nationalities. Students should be fluent in English. Non-domestic applicants should be willing to acquire basic knowledge in German.

Germany: International Max Planck Research School, Frankfurt Several PhD fellowships are available at the International Max Planck Research School, Frankfurt, MPI for Brain Research. Highly qualified candidates in biochemistry, chemistry, physics, biology, medicine or related subjects are invited to apply. Deadline for submissions is August 31.

Germany: International Max Planck Research Schools in Germany IMPRS The IMPRS offres outstanding graduate srudents from all over the world the opportunity to earn their doctoral degree in structured programs providibg excellent research conditions.they provide grants up to three years. To date 43 Research Schools have been established, covering a wide range of disciplines and topics.

Germany: International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS), Munich International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS) is jointly conducted by the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in cooperation with the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich and the Technical University Munich.The joint PhD program provides comprehensive scientific training in molecular and cellular life sciences. Cutting edge research projects are available in the areas of biochemistry, cell biology, molecular medicine, neurobiology and structural biology.Students can specialize in one of five major disciplines that form parallel but interlinked tracts thereby creating an interdisciplinary context to promote the ability of cross-frontier thinking. Laboratory work is supplemented by seminars, summer schools, elective courses, training in soft skills and participation in international conferences.

Germany: Germany International Max Planck Research School, Chemical Biology, Dortmund International Max Planck Research School for Chemical Biology offers an international postgraduate program in Chemical Biology leading to a PhD/Dr.rer.nat. degree. Up to 10 PhD positions are available for two year appointments with possible extensions for one additional year.The Research School is located at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund and its two partner universities, the University of Dortmund and the Ruhr-University Bochum. The different institutions have a longstanding expertise in the various research areas covered by the field of Chemical Biology with excellent research facilities in the participating institutions and access to expert centres in NMR technology and Medicinal Proteomics.The teaching program held in English accompanies the experimental work for the Ph.D. thesis, which is carried out in one of the departments participating in the program. Further details about the course program are available in the section curriculum. Nevertheless, timelines in meeting the program requirements will allow completion of this program in three years.Applicants should have or expect to obtain a first class degree or diploma (Bachelors, Masters or equivalent) in Chemistry, Biology or related fields. Further details on website.Deadline for applications is 31 January 2007.

Germany: Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (KSOP) KSOP offers a new interdisciplinary master's program and a novel Ph.D. program in the framework of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.Special emphasis is placed on the following research areas:Photonic Materials and DevicesAdvanced SpectroscopyBiomedical PhotonicsOptical SystemsThe programs are supported by 12 professors and more than 10 additional research group leaders from the university and its partner institutions.Ph.D. and master's scholarships for highly qualified students are available.

Germany: Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg Mobilmed Graduateschool Interconnect existing research and teaching programmes in life sciences with additional interdisciplinary courses in “Novel Technologies” and “soft skills” and common progress reports and annual retreats between the different research disciplines.Implement a MD/PhD programme that will train medical students to work at the interface of basic and translational research.Set-up the exchange programme MOBILity that will allow the best doctoral students to participate in research and teaching activities at partner universities abroad and at biotech and pharmaceutical companies in the region.Applications invited for 20 PhD positions.

Germany: The Berlin School of Mind and Brain The Berlin School of Mind & Brain is a joint project of “mind sciences” (i.e., humanities, social sciences, philosophy, behavioral psychology, cognitive science etc.) and “brain sciences” (i.e., neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, computational neuroscience etc.). The School aims to establish a broad interdisciplinary platform to cultivate the multi-faceted and rapidly growing contact between these two scientific cultures. Specifically, the Mind & Brain School strives to produce a new generation of scientists, no longer limited by traditional disciplinary boundaries. By providing an interdisciplinary education, the program will also support the development of a mutually intelligible language for communicating between the mind and brain sciences.Led by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the program includes scientists from the Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Universität Potsdam, Berlin NeuroImaging Center, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Center for General Linguistics, Institute for Advanced Studies Berlin, Interdisciplinary Center for Meaning in Language, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig, Neuroscience Research Center, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, and the Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik. To further strengthen the competence in specific strategic areas of Mind & Brain research Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is currently recruiting three additional “Mind & Brain Professors” plus two adjunct professors all to be affiliated with this school.PhD program starting on April 16, 2007. Application deadline: January 15, 2007.

Germany: Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences The Graduate School comprises four research areas that provide the framework within which the individual PhD student finds the scientific support and training needed to become an excellent scientist with a broad interdisciplinary understanding:Oceans and ClimateCoastal Zone ProcessesMarine Ecology and BiogeochemistryChallenges to SocietyThe Graduate School offers employment opportunities on the Associate Scientists and PhD student levels in all of its four research areas. Open for all PhD students working at the University of Bremen and the participating institutions on any aspect of Global Change in the Marine Realm the Graduate School invites membership applications from all interested individuals.

Germany: Ruhr-University Research School Natural Sciences and EngineeringInterfacial Systems ChemistryPlasma ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringSustainable Infrastructure EngineeringSecurity in Information and Communication Systems Life SciencesMacromolecular NetworksNeuronal and Cognitive NetworksHumanities and Social SciencesBiomedical Ethics and Public HealthReligion and SecularisationOrganisation and Transformation of Semantic SpaceHuman Security in the Process of Globalisation.

Germany: The Leipzig School of Human Origins graduate program The Leipzig School of Human Origins offers a unique graduate program that combines different disciplines to study the evolutionary history of humans and the great apes. Prospective graduate students will specialize in one of the following directions:Comparative PrimatologyEvolutionary and Functional Genomics / Ancient DNA / Molecular AnthropologyHuman Paleontology, Prehistoric Archaeology and Archaeological ScienceGraduate students will be accepted to one of these areas but will have the opportunity to take part in courses and seminars in all of them.We invite applications from all countries. Applicants must hold a Masters degree, a Diplom or equivalent in biology, biochemistry, anthropology, or related fields.Application deadline 2007: January 31, 2007

Germany: International Max Planck Research School From Molecules to Biological Systems, Freiburg The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMPRS-MCB) is a joint international PhD Program of the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology (MPI-IB) and the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.The program provides outstanding students state-of the-art, research oriented interdisciplinary training in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Immunobiology and Molecular Biology at highest levels. The curriculum is tailored for a highly qualified yet diverse and international student body and offers an innovative format in which students progress rapidly from intensive course instruction to doctoral research.The language of the PhD Program is English.Closing date for applications is 24 April 2007.

Germany: Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, Munich In the framework of the German excellent initiative (supported by Wissenschaftsrat and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU) has founded a new Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU).Starting October 2007 the School offers an integrated teaching concept for a MSc in Neurosciences (supported by the Elitenetzwerk Bayern) and a PhD program "Systemic Neurosciences".The training concept of the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences is designed to offer:- an optimally structured and student-centered teaching program in English- comprehensive and state-of-the-art scientific training regarding topics and methods - exceptionally broad scope of the Munich neuroscience research spectrum for neuroscience-related projects and theses (MSc, PhD) - ECTS-based grading, fully compatible with the Bologna System - personal career planning and intensive individual coaching for scientific and related careers - various options for lab rotations within the Munich Graduate Program, with collaborating institutions at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Technische Universität München, Max-Planck-Institute, GSF, DLR, etc. and their international research partners- an international network for future careers in academia and RTD projects for graduates, PhD students and postdocs. Interested students with a BSc (or equivalent degrees) are invited to apply for the Master program; interested candidates with a MSc (or equivalent degrees) are invited to apply for the PhD program. Depending of the individual qualification BSc candidates may switch after one year in the MSc program via "fast track" to the PhD program.Deadline for Application: 1. Februar 2007Website: Contact email:

Germany: Master/PhD Programme 'Neurosciences' und 'Molecular Biology', University of Göttingen The international programs in 'Neurosciences' and 'Molecular Biology' were established in 2000 at the University of Göttingen in cooperation with three local Max Planck Institutes, the German Primate Center, the Göttingen Center for Molecular Biosciences and the European Neuroscience Institute. The intensive, research-oriented education comprises a first year of intensive and interdisciplinary Master's courses and three independent research projects. Successful completion of the Master's course program qualifies for direct admission to the PhD program (3-year research project and courses) after the first year. The following degrees are awarded: M.Sc., Dr. rer. nat. or PhD, MD-PhD for medical students.The program is open to students from Germany and from abroad, who hold a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent degree) in the biosciences, chemistry, medicine, or related fields. All courses are held in English. Scholarships are available. The academic year starts in mid-October, preceded by three weeks of orientation. In October 2006, the two programs were awarded the label "Top 10 International Master's Degree Courses made in Germany", granted by 'Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft' together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in a national contest, in which 121 Master's programs of 77 universities participated. Criteria for the award were the innovative concept, a high degree of internationalization, scientific excellence of teaching, measures of quality assurance, services and counseling, and the alumni record. The two Göttingen programs were the only Master's program in the biomedical sciences which received this award.Applications are welcome until January 31 of the year of enrollment. Applications forms are available on the internet (; The websites offer detailed information on the study programs and an online registration tool. Application deadline for both programs: January 31st (for program entry in October)Application deadline for both programs: January 31st (for program entry in October)

Germany: Ruhr University Bochum Internatyional Call Research School Fellowships The International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN) offers an english language PhD-programme in all aspects of neuroscience from the molecular level to higher cognitive functions.The IGSN is a member of the NRW Graduate Schools and the Network of biological and medical PhD-programs in Germany. The IGSN is supported by the International Postgraduate Program (IPP) of the DAAD, DFG, and BMBF.The deadline for applications to the IGSN PhD Programme has been extended until 05.02.2007.

Germany: Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science A new Ph.D. program under the auspices of the Excellence Initiative of the German state and federal governments"Meaningful advances in Simulation-Based Engineering Science will require dramatic changes in science and engineering education." - NSF Blue Ribbon Panel on SBES, 2006"The simulation of complex models lies at the core of innovative product design and basic research at RWTH Aachen." - Strategic Agreement between RWTH Aachen and the Ministry of Science, 2007Since 2002, RWTH Aachen University - one of the leading technical universities in Europe - has been establishing educational structures to meet the future research challenges in computational engineering science (CES). Bachelor and Master programs in CES are now operating, and are joined by a Ph.D. program in CES in summer semester of 2007.Academic Aims:The graduate school sets out to advance the computational engineering science in three critical areas of synthesis: model identification and discovery supported by model-based experimentation, understanding scale interaction and scale integration, and optimal design and operation of engineered systems. The application areas include materials science, chemical engineering, transportation systems, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, and geoscience.Curriculum:The AICES curriculum is primarily aimed at Bachelor degree holders. First year of coursework concludes with a doctoral thesis proposal. Second year involves establishment of experimental collaboration. Fourth year concludes with thesis writing and defense. In the start-up phase, exceptional candidates at Master or Diplom level can also be admitted directly into the second year of the program.

Greece: IMBB Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, graduate program IMBB collaborates with the University of Crete in Post-Graduate studies providing to M.Sc. and Ph.D. candidates scientific guidance, fellowships, infrastructure and laboratory space. This collaboration has been running for more than twenty years, it is very successful and offers a highly attractive Graduate opportunity to students from Greece.Currently IMBB is a full participant in the Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine (MBB) and some of its members participate in the Protein Biotechnology Program.

Germany: PhD Fellowships within the interdisciplinary research training group Analysis of cell function by combinatorial chemistry PhD Fellowships from April 2007 or later for the period of 3 years. Available are 11 scholarships for PhD Students with an excellent study record, and one qualifying scholarship for a graduate from a university of applied sciences for one year to qualify for the PhD program. The research training group is open for PhD Students in the field of biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology and chemical biology. The major research interest of the research training group is the elucidation and analysis of the membrane-bound signal transduction by using small molecule inhibitors and aptamers as tools in chemical biology, cheminformatics, cell biology and molecular biology. Focal points are the study of mechanisms of cell proliferation and differentiation in the immune system and in cancer. For examples of one of the approaches applied in the research training group please see: Nature 2006, 444: 941-944 and 945-948. The accompanying interdisciplinary graduate school program is designed to provide a solid background in the life sciences with the main focus on chemical biology and molecular biomedicine. We expect an above average success in your academic career and a high motivation for working in the highly interdisciplinary environment of this research training group. If you are interested to join the research training group please send in your personal application including your CV, copies of your credentials, a one-page statement of motivation, and the preferred field of research to attention of the speaker of the research training group: Prof. Dr. Michael Famulok LIMES Institute of Chemical Biology und Medicinal Chemistry University of Bonn Gerhard-Domagk-Strasse 1 53121 Bonn After a preselection and presentation of the candidates recent research projects in the context of a small symposia the PI's will decide about the scholarships.

Germany: Ruhr University Bochum Internatyional Call Research School Fellowships The International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN) offers an english language PhD-programme in all aspects of neuroscience from the molecular level to higher cognitive functions.The IGSN is a member of the NRW Graduate Schools and the Network of biological and medical PhD-programs in Germany. The IGSN is supported by the International Postgraduate Program (IPP) of the DAAD, DFG, and BMBF.The deadline for applications to the IGSN PhD Programme has been extended until 05.02.2007.

Germany: International Helmholtz Research School, Juelich The International Helmholtz Research School offers excellent research opportunities in the fields of Biophysics and Soft Matter. The aim of our research training is to offer a curriculum at the interfaces between biology, chemistry, and physics that will provide excellent students with the knowledge and training at the highest level. The International Helmholtz Research School offers research fellowships for graduate students (leading to a Ph.D.) for 3 years. Applicants should hold a Master's or other degree comparable to a German University Diploma in biological, chemical or physical sciences, and preferentially be under 27 years of age. The teaching language is English; sufficient command of the language is required for acceptance.Continuous applications for the programme are possible.

Germany: International PhD program Berlin - Infectious Diseases and Immunology Call for applications to the International PhD Program on Infectious Diseases and Immunology (IDI-Berlin) which is a joint venture between DFG Graduiertenkolleg Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen- Host-Interactions (GRAKO) and the International Max Planck Research School for Infectious Diseases and Immunology (IMPRS-IDI).IDI-Berlin provides a multidisciplinary approach to study the interaction of pathogens with their hosts. It is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, the Humboldt University Berlin, the Charité, the Free University Berlin and other research institutes. This collaboration offers outstanding scientific training leading to the award of the degree of PhD (Dr. rer. nat.).The PhD program encourages independent research by students in a variety of different fields such as molecular, cellular, and organismal biology along with genetics, immunology and biochemistry. Students will investigate the biodiversity of infections including viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites. The strength of the program is access to a diversity of well equipped laboratories and a wide array of state-of-the-art techniques.Application is open until 10 September 2007.

Hungary: Biological Research Center The Biological Research Center (BRC) is an independent scientific organization for molecular and cellular biology in Hungary. PhD fellowships

International: International PhD Programme on Malaria Parasite BioMalPar is a collaborative research Network of Excellence, funded by the European Commission under the sixth frame work programme and coordinated by the Pasteur Institute. It is currently engaging 44 Principal Investigators from 20 institutions in Europe and Africa [17 European and 3 African institutions]. It conducts research on malaria parasites and their interactions with both mammalian hosts and mosquito vectors. It also aims to train talented young scientists from both North and South in malaria research, with emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches. Training is conducted through the BioMalPar International PhD Programme, which is organized and operated in collaboration with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL, also a partner of BioMalPar) in Heidelberg. It is independent of but modelled on the successful EMBL International PhD Programme. PhD fellowships

International: EMBL International PhD Programme The EMBL International PhD Programme, originally established in 1983, represents the flagship of EMBL's commitment to first class training and education. Internationality, dedicated mentoring and early independence in research characterise our programme. Considered to be one of the most competitive PhD training schemes to enter, we are committed to providing EMBL PhD students with the best starting platform for a successful career in science.

Integramm: International Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine INTEGRAMM (International Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine) is a EU-funded multi-site initiative to promote Early-stage training (EST) of graduate students at the European level. The Program is coordinated by Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and involves the participation of two Academic sites (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, IT and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ES), two Research Institutes (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, UK and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, CH) and one industrial site (BioXell SpA, IT). Throughout the duration of the Program, 10 long-term (three-year) and a number of short-term fellows will be admitted and will attend any one of the participating laboratories within the above Institutes, to develop a highly supervised and individually tailored research and training program. Enrolled students will develop their training under the premises of the MAIN (Migration and Inflammation) EU Network of Excellence, of which the Institutions participating in this Program are prominent members. Independently of the site they choose for their research training, the long-term fellows will be registered as graduate students in the International Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine of Vita-Salute University (Milan, IT) and will be awarded an international PhD title at the end of the three-year period (or longer if required). Whenever possible, co-tutoring agreements will be established with the other Universities participating in the Program to award a joint PhD title.INTEGRAMM provides an exciting opportunity for multidisciplinary training in Molecular Medicine in a highly international environment. Besides the research project carried out in the host lab, students are given formal training (lecture courses and retreats) organized by each of the participating Institutes on a rotational basis, along with the intramural activities (journal club sessions, seminars and lectures) offered by the host institutes.

Ireland: Dublin City University - Centre for Neurotherapeutics´ Research Scholarships

Italy: Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri Marie Curie Fellowship Finanziamenti/Borse

Italy: European School of Molecular Medicine, C/o European Institute of Oncology Scholarships, PhD program

Italy: INTERNATIONAL PhD PROGRAMME Consorzio Mario Negri Sud Since 1995, the Consorzio Mario Negri Sud has participated in a full-time PhD Programme in the Biomedical Sciences as a Sponsoring Establishment of the Open University of the United Kingdom. Our PhD Programme provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for University graduates who wish to work towards a PhD. The PhD Programme Faculty consists mainly of staff members in the Departments of Cell Biology and Oncology and Clinical Pharmacology and Epidemiology, with multiple research interests including Cell Biology, Oncology, Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes and Epidemiology.The language of our PhD Programme is English, and it leads to a written PhD thesis that is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy awarded by the Open University. The typical duration of PhD registration at the CMNS is 3-4 years, plus an initial training period of about 3-6 months. During this time, the PhD students are supported by predoctoral fellowships which are either provided through the CMNS Departments or obtained by the PhD students themselves. On-campus housing in the CMNS Residences will be provided throughout the duration of the course.

Italy: IUSS, Pavia, PhD program: Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology The Institute for Advanced Study and the Centre of Excellence for Applied Biology at the University of Pavia organize a PhD program open to students of any nationality. The program will include lectures on topics that are relevant for the research projects developed in the Centre. For the academic year 2006-2007, six fellowships are available.

Italy/Spain/UK/CH: Integramm: International Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine INTEGRAMM (International Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine) is a EU-funded multi-site initiative to promote Early-stage training (EST) of graduate students at the European level. The Program is coordinated by Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and involves the participation of two Academic sites (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, IT and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ES), two Research Institutes (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, UK and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, CH) and one industrial site (BioXell SpA, IT). Throughout the duration of the Program, 10 long-term (three-year) and a number of short-term fellows will be admitted and will attend any one of the participating laboratories within the above Institutes, to develop a highly supervised and individually tailored research and training program. Enrolled students will develop their training under the premises of the MAIN (Migration and Inflammation) EU Network of Excellence, of which the Institutions participating in this Program are prominent members. Independently of the site they choose for their research training, the long-term fellows will be registered as graduate students in the International Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine of Vita-Salute University (Milan, IT) and will be awarded an international PhD title at the end of the three-year period (or longer if required). Whenever possible, co-tutoring agreements will be established with the other Universities participating in the Program to award a joint PhD title.

India: ICGEB NEW DELHI INTERNATIONAL PH.D. PROGRAMME IN LIFE SCIENCES The International Ph.D. Programme in Life Sciences is organised in collaboration with the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi. The Programme offers postgraduate training with the possibility of obtaining the "Doctor Philosophiae" (Ph.D.) degree in the field of Life Sciences.The duration of the Programme is for a period of 3 to 4 years.

Netherlands: VIB Ph.D. Program, Gent, Belgium VIB, the Flanders University Institute for Biotechnology, is an entrepreneurial research institute. 1000 scientists and technicians in 65 research groups conduct research in a wide range of life science domains. VIB’s main objective is to understand the mechanisms that are responsible for normal development such as angiogenesis, apoptosis, plant growth and development, and diseases such as cancer, inflammation, neurodegeneration and haemophilia.

Netherlands: University of Leiden, PhD Programme Biology PhD students carry out a programme of independent research and additional (limited) course work, culminating in production of a PhD thesis in typically four years. A detailed description of the research projects will be found on the websites of the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the National Herbarium Netherlands (NHN) Specific requirements of the PhD programme depend on the specialization chosen and are determined in agreement with the supervisor of the thesis. The students actively participate in national and international meetings as a part of their training. The PhD thesis is written in English, the language commonly used in the research groups. Every year, the Institute of Biology Leiden and the National Herbarium Netherlands have paid positions available for PhD students, that are filled on a merit basis. A paid position includes limited assistance in undergraduate teaching. It may also be possible to enter the PhD programme with self-obtained grants. Grants must provide for costs of living and for a bench fee.

Netherlands: University of Maastricht, EURON, Neurscience EURON is an international Research School in Neuroscience. EURON offers a coherent, multidisciplinary research training programme for Ph.D-students in basic, clinical and cognitive neuroscience. EURON was initially established as a federation-like research school, running a doctoral training programme for Ph.D. students from eight universities and institutes in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Poland: PhD Program Biological and Medical Sciences, Warsaw M. Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences has the goal to educate physician-scientists and highly qualified researchers in a field of medical biology.The program is intended for students who have completed their first line of study (medicine, biology, biochemistry etc.), are not more than 30 years old and have good knowledge of English.Students go through a 4-year program during which they do research,l isten to lectures and seminars, give seminars themselves and prepare their doctoral thesis. Best students have a chance to get a stipend.

Portugal: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia PhD Pogrammes PhD Programme Gulbenkian/Champalimaud Brain and Behavioural SystemsPhD Programme in Computational BiologyGulbenkian PhD Programme (Life Sciences)Online applications are open to April 20, 2007


Spain: Fundación Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) The Programme 3+3, launched in 2002, is the centrepiece of the CNIC's training plan and is proof of our commitment to providing long-term, structured career support for young scientists. The programme provides grant holders with funding for a total of six years: The first three are spent outside Spain in a major international research institute. Award holders then work in Spain for three years in any laboratory within the CNIC network. By facilitating the return of experienced researchers to Spain, the aim is to nurture young researchers and then provide them with an anchor within the Spanish system. In this way a wellspring of research talent will be created in the cardiovascular area that will greatly strengthen the research base in Biomedicine in Spain. Areas supported can range from functional studies in living organisms to biological interactions at the molecular level in any area of cardiovascular biology, but projects with an integrative approach (from gene to function) are favoured.

Spain: Institute for Research in Biomedicine IRB One of the missions of IRB is to provide advanced education and training at all levels, that is to say, covering undergraduate, PhD and postdoctoral stages. Training includes PhD programmes, research projects, seminars and conferences. IRB welcomes young scientists with outstanding qualifications from the national and international community to join its PhD programme. We invite highly motivated biologists, biochemists, chemists and pharmacologists to do their PhD in a stimulating environment, rich in technological resources and campus life. PhD students will train in a multidisciplinary community of scientists working at the cutting edge of modern biomedical science. Current PhD fellowship openings are shown on website.

Switzerland: Friedrich Miescher Institute - Novartis Research Foundation The FMI is now part of the Novartis Research Foundation. The institute is devoted to fundamental biomedical research, employing new technologies to explore basic molecular mechanisms of cells and organisms in health and disease. The research focuses on Epigenetics, Growth control and Neurobiology.Application deadline is 21 May 2007.

Switzerland: International PhD Programme at FMI The International PhD Programme The FMI provides an outstanding research environment for studies of biomedical importance. The institute also fosters a lively educational atmosphere having trained hundreds of young scientists at the postgraduate and postdoctoral levels. We offer dedicated programmes for diploma and PhD students as well as research experience to visiting students from abroad. Currently, FMI laboratories are home to about 90 PhD students.

Switzerland: National Center of Competence in Research The NCCR Frontiers in Genetics proposes an international program for doctoral training supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This program is based at the University of Geneva but includes participating members at the Universities of Lausanne, Zurich and Basel, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC), Lausanne, and the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI), Basel. Application deadline is 30 April 2007.

Switzerland: Uni ETH Zuerich The Life Science Zurich Graduate School consists of nine highly competitive Ph.D. programs, run jointly by the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. We aim to attract to Zurich the most promising young scientists from across the world. Our programs offer a comprehensive and challenging Ph.D. education that allows our students to develop into tomorrow's leaders in life science research.Applications deadlines: 1 December, 1 July .

UK: UCL Four Year PhD Programmes Medical Research Council (MRC) PhD Studentship OpportunitiesThe four year programme consists of an introductory year offering taught elements, as well as the opportunity to obtain research experience in several laboratories before deciding on a final PhD topic which would run along the lines of a normal three year studentship.From October 2006 applications are being accepted for studentships commencing in September 2007.DO NOT apply directly to the MRC for funding. Funding is awarded to university departments and not to individual students.Applying for a 4 year studentship does not preclude you from applying for a 3 year studentship at the same time.Closing date December.

Switzerland: International PhD Program Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research Highly qualified students worldwide are selected twice a year through a competitive selection procedure. The PhD program currently homes approximately 100 PhD students, and ~ 25 students are appointed per year. The broad international background of the personnel at the Biomedical Research Center (around 26 different nationalities) provides not only a wide range of scientific experiences but also a unique cultural atmosphere. The working language is English. Applications deadlines: 1 December 2006

Switzerland: PhD Fellowshps in Life Sciences The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne, Switzerland Offers PhD Fellowships in Life Sciences.The Faculty of Biology and Medicine offers a broad choice of possibilities in different fields of biological and biomedical research in the context of the outstanding scientific environment of Lausanne. More information about the doctoral school, host laboratories and potential thesis directors is available on the website.Talented and motivated candidates with Masters or equivalent degrees are invited to submit their application before February 5, 2007.

Switzerland: PhD Fellowshps in Neuroscience Offer 9 PhD Fellowships to work in laboratories covering a large spectrum of topics, from molecular to cognitive Neuroscience, starting in September 2007.Candidates with Masters or equivalent degrees are invited to submit their application before April 15th 2007.

Switzerland: SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES. Lausanne SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM 2007July 16- September 14, 2007Deadline for application: March 19th, 2007Capitalizing on its initial development in neuroscience (under the auspices of the Brain Mind Institute) and biotechnology (led by the Institute of Bioengineering), the School of Life Sciences has continued to grow; in 2005 the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) joined EPFL, and in the same year EPFL launched the Global Health Institute. In all areas, we emphasize integrated approaches spanning a range of disciplines from functional genomics to high-tech bioengineering. The summer research program offers intensive summer research training opportunities to undergraduate students interested in research careers in the life sciences. We seek to attract the best candidates and thus financial compensation will be provided to cover successful candidates' living and travel expenses. Selection Criteria: The summer research fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis, taking into consideration several criteria including the student's academic record, personal statement and letters of recommendation.Students in their second or third year of studies in the life sciences, including related engineering fields are invited to apply.

Switzerland: International PhD program, Biozentrum Basel The Biozentrum of the University of Basel provides an internationally renowned research environment for Molecular Biology studies with three focal areas (Infection Biology, Growth and Development, Neurobiology) and two core programs (Structural Biology & Biophysics and Genome Scale Biology & Bioinformatics) dedicated to basic molecular and biomedical research and advanced training. The institute cultivates a lively and interactive educational atmosphere having trained hundreds of successful young scientists at the postgraduate and postdoctoral levels.The international PhD program represents the flagship of the Biozentrum’s long-standing commitment to first class training and education. It offers dedicated teaching programs, high quality research experience, and generous financial support. Excellent students can apply for a prestigious Fellowship Werner-Siemens FoundationBasel is an international centre for biology research, with major academic institutions and research departments of leading life science companies. Basel is rich in culture and being located in north-western Switzerland directly bordering to France and Germany, is an excellent starting point to explore Switzerland and the neighbouring countries.Next application deadline is July 1, 2007.

UK: John Innes Centre The John Innes Centre is an international centre of excellence in plant and microbial science. Its mission is to carry out fundamental and strategic research, to train scientists and to make its findings available to society. post doctoral programme.

UK: Paterson Institute for Cancer Research The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research is a world-class Cancer Research UK funded institute based in Manchester, England. It strives to reach the highest international standards in laboratory based science and to apply these research findings directly for the benefit of all cancer patients.4 Year International Paterson PhD cancer research Studentships: Application deadline is 8 January 2007.

UK: Centre for Regenerative Medicine (CRM) at the University of Bath EU Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training, The Centre for Regenerative Medicine (CRM) at the University of Bath is an interdepartmental network set up to enable work on regenerative medicine to be underpinned by an understanding of normal developmental mechanisms. It brings together groups working on developmental biology, stem cell biology and tissue engineering.

UK: Centre for Regenerative Medicine (CRM) at the University of Bath EU Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training, The Centre for Regenerative Medicine (CRM) at the University of Bath is an interdepartmental network set up to enable work on regenerative medicine to be underpinned by an understanding of normal developmental mechanisms. It brings together groups working on developmental biology, stem cell biology and tissue engineering.

UK: Institute of Cancer, Barts and The London Medical School and the University of Cambridge A new £5 million, five year training programme in the Molecular Pathology of Cancer begins in October 2006, jointly hosted at the Institute of Cancer, Barts and The London Medical School and the University of Cambridge. The aim is to develop a cohort of medical and non-medical scientists equipped intellectually and technologically to conduct the highest quality research on the molecular pathology of cancer. The programme is funded generously by Cancer Research UK. 4 year PhD Studentships 3 year Clinical Research Fellowships 5 year Clinician Scientist Fellowships

UK: St George’s, University of London St George’s, University of London is special. It is now the only independent medical school in the United Kingdom, although, it remains steadfastly part of the confederation of colleges that constitute the University of London. Our independence has enabled us to foster over many years a warm, friendly environment in which staff and students all know each other. It also allows us to move swiftly in response to the ever changing environment in education and research. On our main campus we share a site with St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, one of the busiest hospitals in the NHS. This unique combination of a supportive learning environment and a wealth of clinical experience may be one reason why the school is so popular.

UK: The UK Grad Programme Our vision is for all postgraduate students to be fully equipped and encouraged to complete their studies successfully and then to make the successful transition from their PhD studies to their future careers.

UK: Oxford University Centre for the Environment International Graduate School, The International Graduate School (IGS) is a key feature of the intellectual community and ambition of the Oxford University Centre for the Environment (OUCE). One of the largest concentrations of graduate students in geography and environmental studies, the IGS consists of some 120 students studying one of OUCE's five taught Masters courses; and some 100 students at various stages of studying for a research degree (usually a D.Phil.). Students come from over 40 different countries and are supported by a wide variety of scholarships and grants, from Rhodes and Commonwealth Scholarships to UK Research Council awards. The importance of the International Graduate school to the OUCE is signalled by the fact that the whole second floor of the new building is devoted to work spaces; teaching spaces and support facilties dedicated to various constituencies of graduate students.

UK: Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter PhD Programme The Centre for Ecology and Conservation has a thriving and dynamic population of PhD students currently numbering 17 students. They work at sites around the UK (from Scotland to Cornwall) and around the world (from South Africa, to Gabon, the Cayman Islands and Cyprus). A diverse range of topics are studied by our students, the breadth of these can be seen by accessing the staff pages on this site. We welcome approaches from interested students through out the year although it is not usually until Easter that we will know exactly how many students we will take on each year.

UK: School of Biosciences, University of Exeter PhD Programme The School of Biosciences is a rapidly expanding centre for research and teaching across a broad spectrum of subject areas ranging from molecular genetics, biochemistry and bioinformatics to whole-organism studies and ecosystem biology. We offer a wide variety of degree programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level and an excellent environment in which to study and learn. The School has strong research programmes in Environmental Biology and Ecotoxicology, Plant and Microbial Sciences, Ecology and Conservation, and Chemical Biology. School staff currently hold more than £10 million in research grants from BBSRC, NERC, EPSRC, Leverhulme, Wellcome and other leading funding agencies. We have state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment at both our Exeter and Cornwall campuses and this year we will invest a further £5 million in research facilities, including a brand new Bio-Imaging Suite which will open in September 2006. Currently, we have around 100 postgraduate research students and more than 50 postdoctoral research fellows. PhD Studentships commencing October each year.

UK: The Babraham Institute, Cambridge PhD Student Opportunities, he Babraham Institute is an international focus for innovative research in post-genomics studying gene function in cells, organs and systems, supported principally by the Research Councils. It is a recognised postgraduate teaching Department of the University of Cambridge . Starting in October 2006 up to two further studentships (in addition to those already awarded via our Open Day) will be available at Babraham leading to a University of Cambridge PhD degree. Our studentships can be awarded for up to 4 years.

UK: University of Oxford 4-year Research Studentships Applications are invited for 4-year Research Studentships, Wellcome Trust Programme -From Moleculel to Cells- commencing October the following year.

UK: King's College and St Thomas' Hospitals, PhD Studentships PhD studentships are available in the following areas in our 5* research-rated Dental Institute based on the Guy's Campus. Applicants must have a First or Upper Second Class degree. If you would like to discuss a project or require further details, please email the relevant supervisor. Applications consisting of a full curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two academic referees should be sent to: Angela Gates, Department of Craniofacial Development, Dental Institute, King's College London, Floor 28, Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT, UK.

UK: Wellcome Trust Four-year PhD Studentship Programmes Thirteen of the Programmes are funded to recruit five students per annum up to and including October 2008. The Pain Consortium supports three students per annum for the same period. At the end of this period of funding, the Wellcome Trust's total investment will have been in excess of £80 million.

UK : Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, 4 Year PhD Research Studentships The department awards up to 10 four-year PhD studentships annually. These are advertised in from October each year on this website and in Nature/New Scientist, with a closing date in early January and interviews in early February. Applications are open to students from ALL countries. The studentships pay fees (at the home/EU rate*), travel and training expenses (~£1300 per annum), and a generous stipend (currently £12,500 per annum). These studentships are funded from various sources including UK Research Councils (MRC and BBSRC) and the EP Abraham Trust. Applications for students beginning in October 2006 are now closed. *International students are encouraged to apply, and will be advised on how to secure funding to pay the difference between the home/EU rate and the international rate.The closing date is January 9, 2007.

UK : UCL Medical Research Council (MRC) PhD Studentship Opportunities MRC Doctoral Training Account (DTA) Research Studentships enable graduates to undertake a three year or a four year programme leading to a PhD degree. The four year programme consists of an introductory year offering taught elements, as well as the opportunity to obtain research experience in several laboratories before deciding on a final PhD topic which would run along the lines of a normal three year studentship.Closing date for applications is 31 December 2006.

UK: University of Oxford 4-year Research Studentships Applications are invited for 4-year Research Studentships for the BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme.

UK: The Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research (WIBR) Medical Research Council (MRC) PhD Studentship Opportunities at Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research:3 and 4 year PhD studentships are available at Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, to apply see: Closing date: 15 January 2007

UK: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology PhD Programme The LMB provides an opportunity to do cutting-edge research for 80-90 graduate students. These are drawn from universities all over the world.Graduate students register for their PhD with the University of Cambridge and belong to one of its Colleges.Check the website for details.

UK: Edingburh University Centre of Cardiovascular Science These studentships are for outstanding students wishing to pursue a career in cardiovascular research. British or EU students with a BSc Honours (at least upper second class) or MSc in any appropriate discipline are eligible. Students require evidence of a very high standard of English language (TOEFL score of 600, IELTS of 7.0), if English is not their first language.These studentships are for outstanding students wishing to pursue a career in cardiovascular research. British or EU students with a BSc Honours (at least upper second class) or MSc in any appropriate discipline are eligible. Students require evidence of a very high standard of English language (TOEFL score of 600, IELTS of 7.0), if English is not their first language.Closing date: 14 December 2006

UK: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology PhD Programme The four-year Graduate Programme, which leads to a PhD, is an MRC initiative designed to train future group leaders in molecular cell biology. Graduate students spend four years in the Programme, supported by an MRC grant. During their first year, students choose three laboratories and spend three months in each, working on research projects. They also participate in twice weekly tutorials that are designed to broaden their understanding of the various areas of molecular cell biology as well as developmental biology, neurobiology, immunology and the cell biology of disease.Towards the end of their first year, students select a supervisor and lab in which they will carry out their three-year thesis project.We will consider any graduate with a good honours BSc degree. Degree qualifications of equivalent standard obtained in countries outside the UK are also recognised. There is, however a three year UK residency requirement to be eligible for the full MRC studentship award.Next DEADLINE: 13 January 2007

UK: 4-year PhD Programme in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, London King’s College London and Imperial College have created a new joint Centre, funded by MRC and Asthma UK to advance understanding of allergic mechanisms of asthma. This provides an outstanding opportunity for high-calibre PhD students to train in areas of basic and clinical science that have direct relevance to the development of novel approaches for the prevention and treatment of asthma.Applications are now invited for PhD studentships (1 plus 3-yr) to start in October. Students will spend the first year taking a full-time MSc in Immunology at King’s or Imperial obtaining a foundation in cellular, molecular and clinical immunology, including a 3-month laboratory-based mini-research project within the Centre.Stipend is at standard MRC rate. Home/EU status students only are eligible and applicants should have or expect to get an upper second or first class degree (or equivalent) in any area of biological sciences. To apply, send CV and names of two referees and a statement on why you would like apply to our 4-yr PhD programme to Professor Tak H Lee at Tel ++ 44 20 7188 1943; Fax ++ 44 20 7403 8640.Closing date is Friday 19th January 2007.

UK: Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research PhD Programme The Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research has been created to bring together outstanding principal investigators to undertake ground-breaking research into the biological properties and biomedical potential of stem cells.Applications are very welcome from those who hold, or expect to be awarded, a suitable first degree, who have a passion for scientific research and who are satisfied they can cover the cost of the overseas rate of fees, if applicable to their particular situation.Only four places are offered on this Wellcome Trust Four Year Programme in Stem Cell Biology each year.Support includes stipend for four years starting at £16,853, UK/EU student PhD registration fees (NB see information for overseas applicants), research expenses, personal development training funds and a contribution towards travel expenses.There is a single round of admissions each year and the deadline for applications for this PhD Programme is Friday 19th January 2007. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider applications at other times of the year.

UK: Cancer Research UK China Fellows Programme This annual competitive scheme will enable outstanding young Chinese postdoctoral researchers (both non-clinically and clinically qualified) to obtain a further three years of postdoctoral training in leading cancer research centres in the UK. For the last two years, successful applicants have been appointed to many of Cancer Research UK's core-funded institutes and other research groups.Applicants will have shown exceptional promise in their early work in a cancer-relevant field. They should have a PhD in a discipline relevant to cancer research from a leading Chinese university. Although we reserve the right to adopt a flexible approach, candidates will not normally be considered if they obtained their PhD degree more than five years ago. Applicants must be competent in written and spoken English. Chinese scientists already based in the UK would not be eligible as a fellowship holder.We anticipate that approximately 10 fellowships will be available in this year of the Programme. The Fellowships can start at any time from August 2007 onwards.The deadline for receipt of applications will be 12th January 2007.

UK: Marie Curie Research Institute The Marie Curie Research Institute (MCRI) is an internationally renowned cancer research institute funded by Marie Curie Cancer Care, one of the largest independent cancer charities in the world. The Institute supports both basic and translational research programmes investigating the molecular and cellular basis of cancer and the development of new therapeutic approaches. The MCRI is currently increasing the number of groups to build upon its reputation for highly successful and collaborative research. PhD students benefit from a dynamic research environment and our well-equipped laboratories and state of the art core facilities.The MCRI operates a PhD programme that is small but highly selective, and offers high-quality graduates the opportunity to train for a 4 year PhD in one of our research groups. The current stipend is £14,547k pa. The Institute provides optional on-site accommodation for the first year and pays all university fees.Recruitment for the 2006 4 year international studentships within the MCRI is closed. Deadline for receipt of formal applications for the 2007 academic year is January 31, 2007. Candidates will be notified of interview dates by February 16th.

UK: Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Dundee PhD Studentships The Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), which comprises 16 research teams, provides an internationally excellent research environment (RAE 5*). The aim of the BRC is to understand fundamental biological processes underlying human disease, with particular interests in cancer and environment-linked disease.Information on supervisors, subject areas and an overview of the BRC research activities is given on our website.Applications, including a CV and the names of two academic referees should be sent, preferably by email to Mrs Lisa Thompson Alternatively, postal applications should be set to Mrs L Thompson at the Biomedical Research Centre, Level 5, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, Dundee, DD1 9SY, UK. Informal enquiries may be made to individual supervisors (contact details are given on the website).

UK: University of Glasgow The Graduate School's primary role is to co-ordinate research training for all postgraduate students. We are committed to providing support for students in many ways, in particular through a comprehensive Skills and Personal Development Programme, Research Funding opportunities, and Scholarships all of which will be detailed on the web site.

UK: Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentships The consortium is offering ten PhD studentships, each of three years duration, to start October 2007. The studentships will cover course fees (at the usual level for UK and EU studentships) and a student stipend. (Studentships where the Institute of Education is the lead college will cover the full fee for non-EU students plus a stipend). They will encompass a wide range of topics spanning the biomedical and social sciences and humanities, reflecting the diversity of disciplines represented in the consortium.The closing date for receipt of applications in the relevant colleges is Thursday 29 March 2007.

UK: Centre for Infectious Diseases The Centre for Infectious Diseases provides an excellent training environment for postgraduate students and research fellows.We encourage fellowship applications from outstanding young postdoctoral scientist/clinicians interested in pursuing a career in Infectious Diseases research.Closing date is March.

UK: The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute The Sanger Institute is a genome research institute funded by the Wellcome Trust. Our purpose is to further the knowledge of genomes, particularly through large scale sequencing and analysis.

UK: University of Liverpool Postgraduate Opportunities

UK: University of Exeter & Plymouth - The Peninsula Medical School The Peninsula Medical School is founded on a unique partnership between the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth and the NHS within Devon and Cornwall. All our teaching is underpinned by a strong research base with research focused in the Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Science, Institute of Health and Social Care and the Institute of Clinical Education.

UK: Cranfield University MSc degrees in health and pharmaceutical sectors The courses are developed hand in hand with employers, thus ensuring that our graduates are in demand.Course available in Applied Bioinformatics, Cinical Research, Health and Environment, Medical Diagnostics, Molecular Medicine, Medical Technology Regulatory Affairs, Organisational Knowledge, Translational Medicine.Financial awards and flexible payment plans are available.