Sunday, March 14, 2010

Post-doctoral scientist position in Biomaterials


A post-doctoral research scientist position (stipend) is available in the Division of Glycoscience at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. The research will be conducted in the context of CarboMat – The KTH Advanced Carbohydrate Materials Consortium.

KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 13,300 full-year undergraduate students, 1,500 postgraduate students and 3,900 employees.

budget of 30 MSEK over 5 years (2010-2014), including matching funding from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). CarboMat is a multi-disciplinary program that involves the research of four professors at KTH in the Division of Glycoscience (School of Biotechnology) and Division of Biocomposites (School of Chemical Science and Engineering). The overall objective of the program is to harness carbohydrate enzymology, polysaccharide (bio)chemistry, and nanocomposite design to produce novel high-performance and environmentally sustainable materials from renewable biomass. Key target applications include bio-active and stimuli-responsive materials; innovative membranes for filtration, diagnostics and environmental remediation; and functional textiles and structural biocomposites.

Research project

The objectives of the research project are (1) the introduction of functionalized biopolymers in Gluconoacetobacter xylinus cultures for the production of cellulose nanofiber composites; (2) characterization to understand the relations between structure and properties; (3) to exploit applications in bio-molecular recognition and separation, responsive and active materials. The successful candidate is expected to play a leading role in a multi-disciplinary research team of postgraduate students and other post-doctoral scientists, both within CarboMat and through interactions with the newly formed Wallenberg Wood Science Center at KTH. The host laboratory offers state-of-the-art equipment and resources for achieving these objectives and has an established track record in these areas.


The selected candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in composite or polymer science. Candidates with experience in carbohydrate chemistry and/or biochemistry will be strongly favored, and familiarity with NMR, XRD, SEM, TEM, and AFM is desirable.

To address its varied work, KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure.

Form of contract

Time-limited stipend

Start date

According to agreement

Application procedure

Closing date for application: March 19, 2010
Reference number: B-2010-0045, dossier 33

The application should include a cover letter with motivation and a detailed CV including the applicant’s degrees, post-doctoral experience, and other relevant research experience. In addition, candidates are asked to supply the names and full contact information for three (3) personal/professional references.

The application should be sent by e-mail to Asst. Prof. Qi Zhou

and Prof. Vincent Bulone

with a cc: to administrator Lotta Rosenfeldt (

N.b.: Applicants are requested to specify the reference number above in the e-mail subject line.

Contact persons for further information

Asst. Prof. Qi Zhou or Prof. Vincent Bulone
Division of Glycoscience
School of Biotechnology
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
AlbaNova University Centre
106 91 Stockholm


Tel: +46 8 5537 8383 (Asst. Prof. Zhou) or +46 8 5537 8841 (Prof. Bulone)

Organization website:

Union representative

Rikard Lingström, SACO
Phone: +46 8 790 8292

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