Saturday, October 11, 2008

Informatics and Biomedical Services Firm Looks Toward the Future of Healthcare

Binovia's new bITomed employs cross-training to improve healthcare efficiencyand patient careOMAHA, Neb., July 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Recognizing the need to streamlinethe information flow in today's technologically advanced patient-carefacilities, Binovia, an informatics and biomedical services firm, hasintroduced bITomed (bye-T-omed), a service that cross-trains technicians inbiomedical engineering and information technology (IT). bITomed technicians ensure that medical information is properlytransmitted starting with the electrodes on the patient's skin to a centralmonitor and from there to medical records, referring physicians and billing.Binovia is one of the only companies in the country that cross-trainstechnicians in biomedical engineering and IT. The fusion of IT and biomedical engineering departments provideshealthcare facilities with quality customer service as well as the ITknowledge necessary to ensure information reaches its destination. By using abITomed technician, healthcare facilities can increase efficiency, especiallyin rural areas where one employee can fill the needs for both biomedicalengineering and IT. "At Binovia, we see the bITomed as a tool to help hospitals transmitpatient information to electronic medical records (EMRs) which will berequired by the government in the future," said Jesse Fisher, Binovia's ChiefExecutive Officer. Fisher has seen firsthand how bITomeds can improve patient care bydecreasing downtime and described this recent situation, perfectly suited fora bITomed technician. "A neo-natal monitor at a Binovia client healthcare facility wasn'tsending information to the nurse's central station," said Fisher. "Withoutreceiving vital sign information, nurses could not monitor the baby's vitalsigns, nor determine if the baby's health suddenly declined." "The hospital's IT department found no problem on their end and thebiomedical department confirmed that the monitor was working properly.However, the nurse's station still wasn't receiving the information. OurbITomed, because of cross-training, was able to solve the problem quickly andget the neo-natal monitor transmitting again." Binovia currently services healthcare facilities with bITomed technicians.Fisher expects the need for bITomed cross-trained technicians to expand around250 percent over the next two years as the use of informatics and biomedicaltechnology increases in healthcare facilities. About Binovia: Binovia provides superior informatics and biomedicalservices customized to the technologically advancing needs of healthcarefacilities. With the appropriate solution for each client, Binovia providesinformation technology and biomedical engineering to healthcare facilitiesthroughout the United States. For information visit . Suzanne Titus 402-331-0202 stitus@binovia.comSOURCE Binovia

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