Thursday, July 12, 2007

BME University Ranking

US News BME Rankings

1. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
2. Duke University (NC)
3. Univ. of California–San Diego
4. Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH)
5. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
6. Georgia Institute of Technology
7. University of Pennsylvania
8. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
9. Northwestern University (IL)
10. Boston University
11. University of Washington
12. Rice University (TX)
13. University of Virginia
14. Stanford University (CA)
15.Vanderbilt University (TN)
16. University of California–Berkeley
17.University of Texas–Austin
18. Purdue Univ.–West Lafayette (IN)
19.University of Utah
20.Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison
21. Columbia University (NY)
22.Pennsylvania State U.–University Park
23.Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY)
24.Tulane University (LA)
25. U. of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign


konika said...

I am interested in Biomaterials, cellular and tissue engineering. I have heard that MIT, UColorado, Rice and University of Washington are good choices for this.
Hopefully, you can help me pick out a few more school from your list of 25 that are strong in this field. Also, which school do you suggest are 'safety'?
Thanks for all the help!
(my e-mail address is

biomedical engineering said...

Awesome List!! It is useful me to pursing a career in biomedical field.